In March 2017, ORICoop was formally registered as a Co-operative in Victoria, and the ORICoop Board appointed. We were so encouraged by the support we received in our Pozible campaign, and welcomed over 50+ foundational members, and raised over $12,000 (of our $10,000 goal).

Here are our early and loyal ORICoop Foundational members, and we look forward to sharing our journey with them, and all ORICoop members.

If you are interested in becoming a ORICoop member – CLICK HERE

Carolyn Suggate

Samuel Marwood

Cultivate Farms

Jeremy Leitch

SoundBay Pty Ltd

Dan Fitzgerald

 Small Giants


Brett Mclatchie

Rolf von Behrens

Smart Urban Villages

Jürgen and Debra Rhyon

ProLocal Pty Ltd

Bronwen Morgan

Alan H. Greig

C Showers & J Miles

Dan Fitzgerald

Duncan Wallace

Carissa Wolfe

Hugh and Katie Finlay

Jinari Mountain

Carly Hammond

Elsie L'Huillier

Frank Harney

Chris McLoghlin

Dougal Munro

Emma-Kate Rose

Georgia Foster Eyles

Greg Bender

Jery Goebel

Jordan Ivatts

Karyn Cassar

Paul Barnett

Rolf von Behrens

Jen Sheridan

Jo McNeill

Lara Solyma

Steven Lafiatis

Liz Elliott

Mark Peterson

Peter van Schie

Mark Bland

Rebecca Scott

Serenity Hill

Tanya Massy

Sonia Ghiggioli

Virginia Daniels

Tobias Koenig

Tim Watson


Tan-Ni Clancy